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Zybro Digital Language Lab is developed by Zybro Edu Systems with Corporate office in
Bangalore and development center in Cochin.

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Better Comprehension with Zybro Language Lab

When teachers talk about developing the comprehension skills of students, they mean the kids’ ability to fully understand and follow information they are listening to and watching. Using digital language lab software helps to enhance opportunities for students to make associations between students' experiences and new content. It also allows learners to discover what they know about a topic before presenting their ideas to the whole class.
Comprehension strategies work together like a finely tuned machine. Digital language lab enables reader to construct meaning by selecting and previewing the text. During reading, comprehension builds through predicting, inferring, synthesizing, and seeking answers to questions that arise. After repeated listening and reading process, deeper meaning is constructed through reviewing, rereading portions of the text, discussion, and thoughtful reflection. During each of these phases, language lab helps the reader to relate the text to his own life experiences. Comprehension is powerful because the skill to construct meaning comes from the inner sense of the reader. Using language lab, instructor can provide specific comprehension instruction—modelling during read-aloud and shared reading, targeted mini-lessons, and varied opportunities for practice during small-group and independent reading to the development of strategic, effective readers.
Zybro language lab material collection is planned in such a way to help learners acquire comprehension skill, oral and written proficiency, and cultural consciousness. Students acquire skills in inferencing, comparing and contrasting, self-questioning, problem-solving, relating background knowledge etc through diverse contents added in language labs. Hence, digital language lab is considered as the need of the hour in the communication and language acquisition process.
