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Zybro Digital Language Lab is developed by Zybro Edu Systems with Corporate office in
Bangalore and development center in Cochin.

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Implications of Language Laboratory in Indian Classrooms

While teaching learners in language and communication is not a new order for India, the digitalization of the entire English language training experience has remained a challenging task in and outside the education system of the country. It is no secret today that the traditional language training methods in a classroom have rendered themselves out of sync with the requirements of the learning participants of the country. The ICT revolution has transformed language education per se and training of communication skills has been totally changed with the technological shift in terms of teaching and learning. Language laboratory is the most demanding tool preferred by instructors in learning languages.

The technology used in establishing language lab such as Zybro is futuristic yet customized to address the diverse demands of the learners. With all its unique features, the language lab designed by Zybro defies comparisons with all other customary models of language labs. The interactive sessions in the lab are distinctly effective to reinforce the theoretical input. Besides, the interactive process considerably speeds up the learning without compromising quality of learning. Entire process of training and learning is technology-aided that consistent monitoring becomes an essential feature of the process.

With the growing awareness of the advantages of technology in language learning, academicians and researchers have unanimously stated that language learning can be accomplished in an effective manner when technology-enhanced training methodology is ushered in. Language lab is considered as the perfect solution to end the quest for the technology-aided transformation of language learning. The emergence of language labs has indeed flourished the language learning scenario to a great extent with limitless advantages and the results produced at the end of attending a course through language learning is praiseworthy.
