Language Lab Advantages
Digital Language Lab provides all learners, no matter where they are seated in the room, equal opportunity to hear the instructor and to be heard by the instructor. Each learner can listen to the lesson material at a level set by the Instructor. Learner can receive only the lessons assigned by the Instructor. None of the lesson material is misheard due to the direct nature of the sound transmission heard by each learner via his or her individual headset.
The headset/microphone provides learners with a psychological privacy that promotes their speaking ability. It reduces the inhibitions felt in normal classroom situations and encourages the shy student to speak. The instructor can talk to a single or group of students in privacy without disturbing the rest of the class.
The use of Language learning system encourages learner to talk freely and loose their inhibitions when talking in front of their peers. Lab systems tend to make students more anonymous.
As the language lab allows the learner to listen to the program stimulus individually, each individual learner's attention is focused on the program material being studied, ultimately increasing the attention span of the student and teaching the learner to listen and analyze the content of the lesson.
Listening skills are an essential element in becoming linguistically fluent. Language lab helps learners develop good listening skills and aids the process of communication. Learners hear the correct language patterns all the time through their headsets instead of mimicking other students who may be pronouncing incorrectly.
The learners may work through the lesson material at a pace suited to their ability. The Language Lab is a personal tutor for them.
The Language Lab provides learners with a variety of model voices rather than just the voice of the instructor (who is often not a native speaker). Our most modern systems have a Model Voice feature allowing a native speaker to converse and be used as a model voice subject for the rest of the class.
The learner can monitor individual students (and talk to them) much more efficiently than in a regular classroom. Usually in a regular classroom all other students stop speaking when the instructor communicates with an individual learner. In a lab they will continue working without interruption. Also, an instructor can interact with many more learners since he/she merely presses a mouse key in order to be in contact with a learner. The language lab makes most efficient use of time, improving the instructor/learner time ratio and allowing the instructor to maximize the use of time in a given lesson. In a single teaching session, individual learners can have more opportunity to speak than during an entire semester in an average class of 30 students.
The learners have the ability to record their own voices along with the master stimulus. Each learner can be working interactively on different segments within the same program or be working with completely different program material.
Oral test features allow instructors to test learners with a question or stimulus and only record the learner’s answer. The instructor can stop the learner recording when the next question is to be played or spoken to the learner.
Since the instructor is not concentrating on producing the next question or drill, he/she can concentrate more on the student responses. The instructor has more time to produce materials and oversee class activities due to the automatic, rather than manually, controlled instructor console features.
Using the random pairing/random-grouping feature that all advanced modern language learning systems incorporate, instructors can generate a variety of exercises structured around role-playing. Learners can be paired or grouped together in small numbers and hold conversational practice with each other.
Language Lab cannot replace an Teacher / Instructor. It provides the application of Information Communication Technology in English language teaching, but instructors have to be updated according to the changing global scenario.You may fill this form or, if you prefer one of our attorneys to contact you to discuss a project, email us at or call us at +91 860-268-7970
Copyright @ Language Lab Software 2020